Class Descriptions

Class Description:

The following is a brief overview of the class. The syllabus will have more detail. Once you are registered, I will send out the syllabus within a week or two.

Class size: I like to keep the class size to 12 people, so I am offering two classes. I will most likely combine the class if they do not fill up. If you would like a specific time slot and do not want to lose it due to combining the class, please help me help spread the word to more students. Thank you.

Humanities: A class designed to help the student and teacher discover the meaning of life and their purpose in and under Heaven. The chief purpose is to mine the few truths out of the many errors and discover the principles that give us the “why” for living them. We are exposed to some of the greatest minds and by reading, annotating, arguing, writing, and discussing their ideas, we compare them to each other and discover the timeless truths. Hint: living a virtuous life leads to our greatest happiness, says Aristotle.

We will meet virtually on Zoom for 90 minutes once a week to discuss questions and principles that the students bring to the table. On the remainder of the days of the week, the student, on his or her own, is “scouting” for truths, epiphanies, and questions as they read difficult books and readings. 

Weekly assignments are submitted through Google Classroom and then assessed and returned to the student. The grades are recorded and stay in Google Classroom for reference. You will be responsible for keeping a transcript as a student and parent.

Humanities for Adults: Same as for the youth, only there will be an option to audit the class (which means no assignments and no grades). 



Day and time


Humanities 1 (youth)

Wed. 8:30-10:00 MT


(payment via Venmo preferred)

Humanities 2 (youth)

Wed. 10:30-12:00 MT


OR auditing for $175/semester (no assignment submissions)

Humanities (adults)

Wed. 1:00-2:30 MT


OR auditing for $175/semester (no assignment submissions)

The following classes are not available from Spare Oom Humanities for the 2023-2024 year:

Mission-Driven Teen Level I (MDT-1): This class is designed around the curriculum from the MDM Academy by Audrey Rindlisbacher. The student will have access to the Teen videos and receive their own specially designed Teen book (first year ever) to discover principles of self-care, self-management, and self-discovery as they read selections from self-help books, novels, and articles. The principal aim is to help youth become their best selves through principled living. Because of the nature of change that needs to occur in the student, it is best that the mothers join the MDM Academy and embark on their own journey of deeper principled living. We are aware that the cost for this class is expensive due to the purchase of curriculum for both student and mom and for paying a mentor to teach, guide, and help with accountability.  

To learn more about the MDT program, check out this video, and request a copy of the email sent out previously (MDM is working on putting up a page on the website, but it is still under construction—the email has a bunch of info—just respond and let me know if you want me to forward it to you.

Note: Those who were part of the MDT Pilot program last year will only need to pay for their book. They will already have access to the new Teen web page with the pertinent videos designed just for them. 

Mission-Driven Teen Level II (MDT-II) Again, this class is designed around the Level II curriculum of the MDM Academy. The student will have access to the videos and receive their workbooks: The Love of Truth. The principal aim of this class is to help the student think more deeply, find principles, follow an argument, deconstruct arguments, and look for truths. Most of the readings are contained in the workbook, with a few other novels, literature, or Shakespeare plays to add. The booklist is contained in the workbook. Unlike Level I, the mom does NOT need to sign up for Level II. 

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