Renaissance to Revolutions Book List 2021-2022

 Book List: Items underlined include a link to order on Amazon or other websites. 

  1. The Choice, by the Arbinger Institute (to read in summer before classes begin), scroll down on the linked page to find the book.
  2. Reading Packet, as in other years, there will be a reading packet you will print off. See the list below for the items included in the reading packet.
  3. Overview of history: What had to happen before the Restoration to prepare the world? (Articles published by the church), Reading Packet
  4. Leonardo’s Notebooks, selections, Reading Packet
  5. Vasari, Lives of the Artists, Read chapters on Michelangelo, da Vinci, and one of your choice
  6. Machiavelli, The Prince
  7. Shakespeare, Richard III, any edition
  8. Francis Bacon, The Essays, selections & Organon, selections, reading packet
  9. Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, any edition
  10. Blaise Pascal, The Wager, reading packet
  11. Christopher Marlowe, Dr. Faustus
  12. John Milton, Paradise Lost
    • Besides the book, get the Audible version read by Flo Gibson too. We’ll listen while we read and annotate.
  1. 2nd Treatise of Government by John Locke, selections, reading packet
  2. Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
  3. John Bunyan, The Pilgrim’s Progress, Choose the first or second part
    1. Audible (listening while reading is helpful)
  4. Rousseau, The Social Contract, selections, reading packet 
  5. Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
  6. Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther (read The Choice, by The Arbinger Institute along with it)
  7. Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death speech by Patrick Henry, reading packet
  8. Common Sense, by Thomas Paine, selections, reading packet
  9. Declaration of Independence, reading packet
  10. Articles of Confederation and US Constitution (comparing the two), reading packet
  11. The Rights of Man, by Thomas Pain, selections, reading packet
  12. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, reading packet
  13. Susan Dunn, Sister Revolutions: French Lightning, American Light

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