Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Quote: The Process of Understanding

"Sometimes when reading or studying or listening, I catch a glimpse of ideas and connections beyond my current understanding. At times these ideas are nascent and ephemeral--mists that have not yet solidified (if they ever will). It is as if figures are coming together on the periphery of my vision, and I fear that if I look at them directly, the forms will dissolve into vaporous ribbons and float away. Some passages of Scripture like that – for a moment I can grasp a spiritual truth or significance that swells beyond my comprehension. I'm encouraged by the fact that even apostle Peter said that Paul was hard to understand. "but sometimes even a convergence of thoughts, words, spirit, conversation, circumstances, and time solidifies those periphery shapes into concrete understanding – into wisdom that causes a change of heart, habit, or practice." ~ Greg Wilbur, Circe magazine 2017

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